Monday, August 23, 2010

Above all, love each other deeply.

Ten or so months ago I received a phone call from my good friend, Will Mott. He asked me to have lunch with him between classes. This was strange because, although Will is one of my best guy friends, we don't have lunch together. We actually don't do anything together just the two of us. I met him for lunch downtown fully expecting him to talk to me about my best friend, Liz, and tell me he was upset with her. Liz and Will had been having strange little disagreements in the preceding weeks and I thought Will might finally explain to me why. Well - he did. He told me he wanted to date her. He told me he had wanted to date her for over a year.

I walked home from that lunch replaying every interaction Liz and Will had ever had over and over in my head. He had caught me completely off-guard. I was given strict instructions not to share this new knowledge with anyone and when you live with five of your best friends who share everything with each other, its quite a challenge.

Liz and Will started dating a week or so later and it wasn't long before most of their friends (and both of them) knew they were a good match. I still remember the day she told me she was in love with him.

I cried the night Will asked Lizzy out on their first date. I think most of the Pope Street girls did. It was a beautiful picture of the Lord showing his daughter that he knew her, cherished her and had plans for her. It was during a time that Liz was struggling to believe in the Lord's provision, and I was struggling to believe that any of our prayers and pleas were being heard that year. The last month or so in our house had been hell.

I cried last week when Will called me on the phone and said first thing, "I want to marry your best friend." I had to sit down on the floor and catch my breath. It was months before I thought there would be any talk of engagement. But more than that - those are words everybody wants to hear about the people they love most in the world.

I realized a couple days ago that for years I have been praying for Will. I have prayed for the man that my best friend would marry and asked, above all, that he would be a man of God. I could not approve more. Will is one of the most joyful and creative people I know. For him to marry the girl who teaches me more every day about the reality and attainability of joy is more than perfect. So congratulations Liz and Will. I can't wait to celebrate with you on your wedding day.


  1. perfect.

    don't tell Will you came home and told me what he said. But I'm not your friend so I guess it's okay.

  2. Thank you Anna. Your words mean so much to me, and your joy for Will and I makes me that much more joyful!

  3. gosh Jess I totally forgot I told you Will liked her! And all this time I thought I kept my word. Dannng.
